4cost Client Roundtable South 2024

On 27 June 2024, the third 4cost Client Roundtable took place in Ulm. 18 participants from various industries seized the opportunity to discuss current challenges, new insights and best practices in cost management across companies.

4cost Client Roundtable South 2024

Participating companies/organisations in alphabetical order: 4cost, BAAINBw, IABG, Liebherr-Werk Biberach, Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg, Liebherr-Hausgeräte Ochsenhausen, MAN Energy Solutions, MULTIVAC, pester pac automation, Rolls-Royce Power Systems, Schaeffler, Voith

Joachim Schöffer, Managing Partner of 4cost GmbH, moderated the five-hour event. Among other things, there were lively discussions about

  • the workflows for different types of project and product costing,
  • dealing and cooperating with suppliers in terms of cost reductions,
  • modelling issues, especially in parametrics
  • and the use of the right costing approach depending on the initial situation (Top-Down/Parametrics, Bottom-Up, Performance Pricing).

Special thanks go to Jürgen Milz, Head of Design to Cost at the Voith Group, for his presentation on increasing cost transparency through the targeted use of a combination of 4cost-aces and 4cost-structure.

At the end of the event, Mr Schöffer provided the participants with a preview of the new features of the 4cost costing software, which are currently under development and will be rolled out successively over the coming months. Especially well received was the new add-on for 4cost-aces for calculating numerous sustainability aspects, such as carbon footprint, logistics, packaging and disposal/recycling.

"The 4cost Client Roundtable has proven to be an effective format for providing our clients with valuable insights that facilitate their use of our software solutions," states Joachim Schöffer.